Meet The Founders

Nick photo

Nicholas Gerencser

Nicholas, a graduate of Juniata College, is an accomplished full stack developer with a specialization in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and interactive 3D systems.

As a full stack developer, he possesses a comprehensive understanding of both front-end and back-end technologies. His programming skillset includes the Django framework, PHP, React, and Javascript.

What sets Nicholas apart is his ability to bring interactive 3D systems to life. Drawing from his background in game development, he can leverage cutting-edge browser-based technologies to build immersive 3d experiences. Whether you're looking to add a touch of 3D magic to your project or create a full-fledged virtual environment, Nicholas has the experience to make it happen.

Nick photo

Colin Brislawn

A former staff scientist at a National Laboratory and the HIPAA Security Officer at a biotech startup, Colin is a data scientist with a background in security.

Colin has built beautiful and accurate visualizations for healthcare, genomics, and ecology to help his colleagues understand and communicate their findings. By combining predictive modeling with reliable and reproducible data analytics, he helps researchers and clinicians make decisions they trust.

Colin has implemented security best practices from both a technical and compliance perspective, from rewriting security policies to working one-on-one with staff members to solidify these policies through daily practice. He has worked to modernize security at both startups and nonprofits over the last ten years.